Sunday, March 24, 2019


Introduction of meninges:-

 Meninges :- 

- Membranious  covering  of    brain and the spinal cord is known as    meninges.
 -  Three layers present in the    meninges that are following -
1. dura matter .
2 .arachnoid matter.
3. Pia matter.
There are three space present around the brain   that  are  following-
   - epidural space[ it is a space between skull bone and dura matter].
  - subdural space[ space between dura matter and arachnoid matter].
   - subarachnoid space[ space between Urban and matter and pia matter].
There is no space between pia meter  and arachnoid matter is  directly  adhered to the brain.


The empty   space present   within  the  brain  is  called     ventricles.
-total  four    ventricle all present:-
1.  lateral ventricle[ right and left ventricle].
2.  third ventricle.
3.   fourth ventricals.


Meningitis is composed of two words.
1. meninges:-  membranius  covering of brain and spinal cord.
2.  itis:- inflammation.
meningitis is infectious disorder of brain and spinal cord   by the  infection of bacteria so it is also called bacterial meningitis.


 Meningitis is defined as infection and inflammation  of brain and spinal cord meninges and  this infection spread   in brain  and spinal cord through CSF.
- meningitis is a  life threatening condition which may require immediate treatment so it is also called “ medical emergency ”.


1.Bacterial infection:-   Nesseria meningitis ,pseudomonas,  pneumococcus    and Streptococcus
2.Viral infection :-   herpes zoster, herpes  influenza,polio mumps virus, Cox  virus
3.Fungal infection - candida albicans.
4.Traumatic brain injury and head injury
5.Drugs  toxicity
6.Any systemic infection  can also cause meningitis
7.Open skull injury.

clinical manifestation:- 

[A]  initial symptoms:-

1. fever with severe headache with chills.
2.memory impairment / disorientation.
3. restlessness.
4. loss of consciousness.
7.cold  extremities.
8.nausea / vomiting.
9. photophobia .
10. phonophobia.[  fever with noise].
11.anterior fontanelle  bulging .

[ B] confirmative symptoms:-

1. increased ICP.
2.nuctual rigidity[ stiffness of neck] .
3. kerning sign-[   patient is lying supine position with flexion  of  lup and knee on the abdomen then leg can not be extended due to the pain.
4. brudzinski sign:-  patient should be lying  in supine position and knee is flexed due to this stimulation the patient automatically flex the neck on the chest.


Due to etiological factor.
entry of microorganism   in meninges.
infection occurs and lesion formation in meninges .
inflammation and exudate  formation.
obstructed  blood supply  in meninges.
decreased cerebral  blood flow.

 Diagnostic evaluation:-

1.  history collection and physical examination.
2. CBC  [ complete blood count].
3. CSF examination.
4. skull X-Ray
5. ICP  check.
6. ESR [ erythrocyte sedimentation rate].
7. bacterial culture  and gram  staining of CSF.
8. CT scan

Medical management:-

- hospitalize the patient  because meningitis is medical  emergency which may require immediate care , so  administer  the  benzyl   penicillin drugs:- pnicillin-G which is a narrow spectrum antibiotic as prescribed by  the  physician.
- Assess  the  patient  condition, confirmative sign and symptom of disease and positive diagnostic test result.
- administer antibiotic drugs such as rifampicin,   cephalosporin as prescribed   by the   physician to kill the  bacteria .
- Administer  the antiviral drugs    such as  acyclovir ,  famicyclovir  as prescribed by the doctor.
- administer antipyretic  drugs such  as  PCM and  NSAID to reduce the fever and relieve  from headache.
-  administer the corticosteroid drugs   such  as prednisolone to reduce the inflammation and  damage. 
- Maintain adequate fluid volume of the body .

Nursing management : - 

1.  Assess  the condition  of patient and vital sign .
2.  apply the cold   application to decrease the temperature.
3 .  monitor the temperature frequently or continuously.
4. administer the antipyretic drugs such as PCM to  reduce the   fever  as  prescribed  by the  physician.
5.  instruct  the patient  to use blanket.


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