Tuesday, March 26, 2019



 encephalitis is defined as infection and inflammation   of brain and  cerebral tissue which may cause increased ICP and may lead  to   hemorrhage. 
- If encephalitis  is  caused by the infection of  meninges then it is known as meningoencephalitis.


 -this condition is mostly caused by viral infection such as herpes zoster virus,  cytomegalo virus     [ rabies virus ,   polio, measles mumps virus.
- bacterial infection pneumococcal meningitis,   mycobacterium tuberculosis  or pneumococcus,     Streptococcus.
- Parasite  example;- toxoplasmosis.
- head injury.
- drug toxicity.
-  ischemia of brain.
- skull fracture.
- CVA [ cerebro  vascular accident].

 Clinical manifestation:-

1.  fever.
2. headache.
3. loss of consciousness.
4. nuchal rigidity.
5.  Convulsions.
6. ataxia.
7. hemiparesis.
8. Increased ICP.
9.  restlessness.
10. cerebral edema.
11. nausea and vomiting.


due to etiological factor
 entry of microorganism into brain and cerebral tissue
 Infection occur in brain and cerebral tissue
lesion formation in brain and cerebral tissue
 Inflammatory process
 decreased or  obstructed blood supply  to brain and cerebral tissue
 Hypoxia and ischemia  occurs in  brain and cerebral tissue

 Diagnostic evaluation:-

- CT scan.
- MRI.
-  Skull   x-ray.
-   EEG.
- lumber puncture for CSF examination.
- glass Coma Scale .
- ICP checkup.

 Medical management:-

- hospitalize the patient and  assess  the  patient condition and check diagnostic test result.
- Level of consciousness  by GCS.
- administered antipyretic and   analgesic  drugs such as PCM  to reduce pain.
- administer  the antibacterial drug such as rifampicin, cephalosporin drugs.
- Administer antiviral drugs such as  acyclovir,  famicyclovir.
- administer anticonvulsant drug such as benzotrophine to reduce the  risk of convulsion.
- administered corticosteroids drugs such as prednisolone  to reduce  the  inflammatory process.
- Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance by  intravenous therapy. 

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